Monday, July 6, 2009

Thinking about the "D" my art

My latest piece has been throwing me for a loop. It started out as a desire to use the image of a house, or some building in my work. In almost all of my art, I have a need to make the components perfect and then create blemishes (big or small). I cannot stand when anything looks to put together and proper...I'll be honest, it pisses me off. With that said, the house I ended up creating for this piece was lovely and made with the perfect paper, but something was not quite right. Then it hit me: I must cut it in half! Being a child of divorce, I find the image of the broken heart, jaggedly ripped in two bloody pieces, is a perfect expression of the way I have felt over the years ( it has been almost 15 years since my parents split). I use broken or sewn up hearts in a lot of my sketches and random drawings, but very few in my paintings and mixed media pieces. Never have I put two and two together, so to speak. It has taken a long time for me to be able to put the pain of my parents divorce onto a canvas in such an obvious way and, presently, it feels pretty damn good!

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